
# Use this program to get a feel for
# how to use WWW::Form and WWW::FieldValidator
# This program must be placed in a web 
# accessible and CGI executable location
# in order for it to run properly

use strict;
use warnings;

use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;

# both of these need to be installed to run this
# test program
use WWW::Form;
use WWW::FieldValidator;

# gets us access to the HTTP request data
my $q = CGI->new();

# hash ref of HTTP vars
my $params = $q->Vars();

# this gets us our Form object
my $form = getForm();

# display the HTML form test page

# Start subroutines needed to build
# Form test page

sub printHTMLPage {

print <<HTML;
Content-Type: text/html

<title>Form Test Page</title>


    print "<p>WWW::Form version: $WWW::Form::VERSION<br />";
    print "WWW::FieldValidator version: $WWW::FieldValidator::VERSION</p>";

    print "HTTP POST Variables\n<pre>" . Data::Dumper::Dumper($params) . "</pre>";

    # uncomment the following Data::Dummper line if you 
    # want to look at the internal structure of the Form module
    #print "Form object\n<pre>" . Data::Dumper::Dumper($form) . "</pre>";

    print "\n<h2>" . getFormStatusMessage() . "</h2>\n";

    print "<form action='./form_test.pl' method='post'>\n";
    print "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='5'>\n";
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('name');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('emailAddress');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('password', ' size="6" ');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('passwordConfirm', ' size="6" ');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('comments', " rows='5' cols='40' ");
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('favoriteColor');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('elvisOrBeatles');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('spam');
    print $form->get_field_HTML_row('aHiddenInput');
    print "</table>\n\n";

print <<HTML;
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

# uses the isSubmitted, validateFields, and isValid methods
# of WWW::Form object
sub getFormStatusMessage() {
    # init status message to display
    # in the form test web page
    my $formStatusMessage = 'Form has not been submitted';

    # check to see that the form was submitted
    if ($form->isSubmitted($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD})) {

        # the form was POSTed so
        # validate the user entered input

        # update our status message depending on
	# whether or not the form data was good
        # if the form data is good then do some stuff
	if ($form->isValid()) {
	    $formStatusMessage = 'Form was submitted and the data is good';
	} else {
	    $formStatusMessage = 'Form was submitted and the data is bad';
    return $formStatusMessage;

# creates and return a WWW::Form object
sub getForm {
    # if there are HTTP params then use those
    # values to instantiate our Form object with
    if ($params) {
        return WWW::Form->new(getFormFields(), $params);
    } else {
        return WWW::Form->new(getFormFields());

# returns data structure suitable for passing
# to Form object constructor
# this example covers how to handle all of the various
# types of form inputs with WWW::Form
sub getFormFields {
    my %fields = (
        emailAddress => {
            label        => 'Email address',
            defaultValue => '',
	    type         => 'text',
            validators   => [WWW::FieldValidator->new(
                                'Make sure email address is well formed')]
        name => {
            label        => 'Full name',
	    defaultValue => '',
	    type         => 'text',
            validators   => [WWW::FieldValidator->new(
                                'Please enter your name (at least 3 characters)', 3)]
        aHiddenInput => {
            label        => '',
	    defaultValue => 'Hey, I am a hidden form input, nice to meet you!',
	    type         => 'hidden',
            validators   => []
        password => {
            label        => 'Password',
	    defaultValue => '',
	    type         => 'password',
            validators   => [WWW::FieldValidator->new(
                                'Password must be at least 6 characters', 6)]
        passwordConfirm => {
            label        => 'Confirm password',
	    defaultValue => '',
	    type         => 'password',
            validators   => [WWW::FieldValidator->new(
                                'Password confirm must be at least 6 characters', 6),
                                'Passwords must match', '^' . $params->{password} . '$')]
        spam => {
            label          => 'Do we have your permission to send you spam?',
	    defaultValue   => 'Yes, spam me.',
	    defaultChecked => 0, # set to 1 to check by default
	    type           => 'checkbox',
            validators     => []
        comments => {
            label        => 'Comments',
	    defaultValue => '',
	    type         => 'textarea',
            validators   => [WWW::FieldValidator->new(
                                "If you're going to say something, how about at least 10 characters?",
				my $isOptional = 1)]
        favoriteColor => {
            label        => 'Favorite color',
	    defaultValue => '', # set to 'green', 'red', or 'blue' to set default option group
	    type         => 'select',
            optionsGroup => [{label => 'Green', value => 'green'},
			     {label => 'Red',   value => 'red'},
			     {label => 'Blue',  value => 'blue'}],
            validators   => []
        elvisOrBeatles => {
            label        => 'Do you like Elvis or the Beatles',
	    defaultValue => 'I am a Beatles dude(tte)', # uncomment to leave group unchecked by default
	    type         => 'radio',
            optionsGroup => [{label => 'I like Elvis',       value => "I am an Elvis dude(tte)"},
			     {label => 'I like the Beatles', value => "I am a Beatles dude(tte)"}],
            validators   => []
    return \%fields;