Lingua::Preferred Many web browsers let you specify which languages you understand. Then they negotiate with the web server to get documents in the best language possible. This is something similar in Perl. which_lang() takes a list of languages the user understands, such as qw(en es) and a list of those available on the server, such as qw(en fr de), and it returns the language to use. There is some fooling around with picking second-best 'dialects' of a language, for example if the user's language is en_IE and a page is available in en_US. acceptable_lang() takes a list of languages the user understands and a single language, and returns true iff that language is acceptable. Again it assumes that different dialects of a language are mutually comprehensible. Note: I created this module by packaging up some of my own code, but with hindsight I'm not sure it was a good idea. The world does not need another NIH way of doing language selections. It would be better to pick languages by adapting HTTP language negotiation or gettext. So I do not plan further development on this module except for bugfixes. Version 0.2.4: accept language choice 'C' (named after the Unix locale) to mean pick the first available language. * Copying Copyright 2001-2003 Ed Avis. This is free software; you may distribute it under the same terms as perl itself (either under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or at your option any later version); or under the Artistic License. -- Ed Avis, <>, 2003-12-14