# NAME Text::Control - Transforms of control characters # SYNOPSIS use Text::Control; Text::Control::to_dot("\x00\\Hi\x7fthere.\x80\xff"); # .\Hi.there... Text::Control::to_hex("\x00\\Hi\x7fthere.\x80\xff"); # \x00\\Hi\x7fthere.\x80\xff -- note the escaped backslash # DESCRIPTION These are transforms that I find useful for debugging. Maybe you will, too? # NONPRINTABLE BYTES This module considers byte numbers 32 - 126 to be ���printable���; i.e., they represent actual ASCII characters. Anything outside this range is thus ���nonprintable���. # FUNCTIONS ## to\_dot( OCTET\_STRING ) Transforms each nonprintable byte into a dot (`.`, ASCII 46) and returns the result. ## to\_hex( OCTET\_STRING ) Transforms each nonprintable byte into the corresponding \\x.. sequence, appropriate for feeding into `eval()`. For example, a NUL byte comes out as `\x00`. In order to make this encoding reversible, backslash characters (`\`) are double-escaped (i.e., `\` becomes `\\`). ## from\_hex( FROM\_TO\_HEX ) This transforms the result of `to_hex()` back into its original form. I���m not sure this is actually useful :), but hey. # AUTHOR Felipe Gasper (FELIPE) # REPOSITORY [https://github.com/FGasper/p5-Text-Control](https://github.com/FGasper/p5-Text-Control) # COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.