Conjury::C -- Perl Conjury with C/C++ compilers, linkers and archivers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Perl Conjury system is a general purpose software construction framework. It's an alternative to the venerable make utility, but since it is written entirely in Perl, its capabilities extend to functions traditionally implemented using a text preprocessor to generate Makefile files, i.e. to configure for product variants. Perl Conjury is a modular framework. The core software is very general. For example, to compile and link executable programs written in C or C++, you'll need the Conjury::C module-- this module. The software is in the early development phase. All the interfaces are subject to change in subsequent versions. To use Conjury::C, you'll need to install Perl 5.005 (or a more recent version) on your system. You'll also need to download and install the Conjury::Core distribution and anything it requires. When you're ready, the procedure is straightforward: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install (Note: at this writing there are no tests to perform. This will be fixed before the software is submitted to the CPAN.) After you've installed it, the documentation is available through the perldoc interface. There is no online documentation yet. % perldoc Conjury::C % perldoc Conjury::C::GNU The software is designed to be functional on all the platforms where Perl can use the 'system' builtin function. It hasn't been run on any platforms other than Solaris 2.5.1 and Linux 2.2 yet. There is no tutorial for Perl Conjury yet, but a moderately complex example is available. The author has written a C++ library that uses Perl Conjury instead of make. The README and the source tarball can be found at the following locations: + + ----- Copyright 1999, James Woodyatt Perl Conjury with C/C++ tools is open source software. You may modify and redistribute it, provided you agree to the terms of its BSD-style license. See the LICENSE file accompanying the distribution. -- j h woodyatt <> last modified: 01 sep 1999