$Id: //depot/proj/cons/src/README#4 $

This is a Perl-based make replacement, but does not provide make
compatibility. It has a number of powerful capabilities not found in other
software construction systems, including make.

You will need Perl 5.002 or better and the Perl MD5 Extension
(MD5-1.6.tar.gz or greater), available from CPAN.

This program is known to work on a variety of platforms: it's in production
use on versions of FreeBSD, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, IRIX and NT.

Documentation is supplied in POD format (thanks to Ulrich Pfiefer).

A cons discussion group, cons-discuss@eng.fore.com, has been created.  If
you wish to subscribe, send mail to cons-discuss-request@eng.fore.com with
the word "subscribe" in the BODY of the message. Please send all comments,
requests, complaints, etc. to the mailing list.

Cons is maintained by members of the cons-discuss mailing list.

The official cons web site is http://www.dsmit.com/cons

An article about Cons appeared in The Perl Journal, issue #9, Spring 1998.