Perl5 DUA Extension Module 

This module is based heavily on Eric Douglas' duaperl version 1.0a3,
and is basically a conversion of the duaperl.mus file to the XS form.

Unlike version 1.x of the module this implementation required some changes
to Eric's code, in order to allow multiple instances of the class. Basically
I bundled all the global data structures into one structure 'ldap_session_t'
which is passed to the dua functions.

I also modified dua_delattr function/method to allow attributes to be deleted
from an entry, it's a little crude as it deletes the attribute completely
rather than allowing selective removal of values.

There isn't a 'make test' as it was too difficult to come up with a suitable
set of tests. There are a couple of examples in the example directory
illustrating the basic use of the module.


i) You'll need to modify the LIBS section Makefile.PL to point to your
   LDAP libraries.

ii) You'll also need to modify dualib/Makefile to point to your PERL directory
    & you LDAP include files. (Note: The perl directory is required as dua.c
    includes perl.h)

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install


The University of Birmingham makes no representations about the suitability
of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
implied warranty. The University shall not be liable for any damages suffered
by the users of this software.


Stephen Pillinger <>
School of Computer Science, The University of Birmingham, UK.

Duaperl was written by Eric W. Douglas, California State University, Fresno.