Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session version 1.00 =========================================== This is a session management plugin for AxKit. It features Session ID tracking via URL encoding or cookies, with auto- fallback when cookies are not avialable. It also provides utilities to avoid the pitfalls commonly encountered with URL based session IDs. You get XSP taglibs for accessing and modifying all session related data. The "Session" taglib is compatible with Cocoon, while the others don't have any known counterpart. Read 'perldoc AxKit::XSP::Session' and '...::Auth' and '...::Global' for usage details. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install After that, read 'perldoc Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session' to find out how to enable the plug in and configure your AxKit enabled web server for optimum operation. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: AxKit 1.7 or higher (specifically, a current SimpleTalib module, which needs perl 5.6.0 or higher), Apache::Session and optionally Tie::SymlinkTree. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This module is distributed under the same terms as perl itself. Copyright (C) 2002 J��rg Walter <jwalt@cpan.org>