NAME Spoon - A Spiffy Application Building Framework SYNOPSIS Out of the Cutlery Drawer And onto the Dinner Table DESCRIPTION Spoon is an Application Framework that is designed primarily for building Social Software web applications. The Kwiki wiki software is built on top of Spoon. Spoon::Base is the primary base class for all the Spoon::* modules. inherits from Spoon is not an application in and of itself. (As compared to Kwiki) You need to build your own applications from it. SEE ALSO Kwiki, Spork, Spiffy, IO::All DEDICATION This project is dedicated to the memory of Iain "Spoon" Truskett. CREDIT Dave Rolsky and Chris Dent have made major contributions to this code base. Of particular note, Dave removed the memory cycles from the hub architecture, allowing safe use with mod_perl. (Dave, Chris and myself currently work at Socialtext, where this framework is heavily used.) AUTHOR Ingy d��t Net <> COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2006. Ingy d��t Net. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See