# Photonic #

This archive contains the distribution Photonic,
version 0.023
to run electromagnetic calculations for photonics and

Read the file *INSTALL* for installation instructions.

Read *lib/Photonic.pm* for usage instructions and other information.

This software is copyright (c) 2016 by W. Luis Mochan.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

## References ##

 - W. Luis Moch��n, Guillermo P. Ortiz, and Bernardo S. Mendoza,
   *Efficient homogenization procedure for the calculation of optical
   properties of 3D nanostructured composites*,  Optics Express **18**
   (21) 22119-22127 (2010). doi:10.1364/OE.18.022119

 - E. Cortes, L. Mocha��n, B. S. Mendoza, and G. P. Ortiz, *Optical
   properties of nanostructured metamaterials*, physica status solidi
   (b) **247**, 2102 (2010).

 - B. S. Mendoza and W. L. Mocha��n, *Birefringent nanostructured
   composite materials*, Phys. Rev. B **85**, 125418 (2012).

 - J.S. P��rez-Huerta, Guillermo P. Ortiz, Bernardo S. Mendoza, and
   W. Luis Moch��n, *Macroscopic optical response and photonic bands*,
   New Journal of Physics **15**, 043037
   (2013). doi:10.1088/1367-2630/15/4/043037

 - B. S. Mendoza and W. L. Mocha��n, *Tailored optical polarization in
   nanostructured metamaterials*, Phys. Rev. B **94**, 195137 (2016).

 - U. R. Meza, B. S. Mendoza, and W. L. Mocha��n, *Second-harmonic
   generation in nanostructured metamaterials*, Phys. Rev. B **99**,
   125408 (2019).

 - L. Jua��rez-Reyes and W. L. Mocha��n, *Magnetic Response of
   Metamaterials*, physica status solidi (b) **255**, 1700495 (2018).

 - W. L. Mocha��n, R. Singla, L. Jua��rez, and G. P. Ortiz, *Recursive
   Calculation of the Optical Response of Multicomponent
   Metamaterials*, physica status solidi (b) **257**, 1900560 (2020).

## Authors ##

  - W. Luis Moch��n
  - Guillermo P. Ortiz

## Contributors ##

  - Bernardo S. Mendoza
  - Lucila Ju��rez-Reyes
  - Jos�� Samuel P��rez-Huerta
  - Raksha Singla
  - Merlyn Jaqueline Ju��rez-Guti��rrez

## Acknowledgments ##

This work was partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM under grants IN108413,
IN113016, IN111119, and IN109822/. We are grateful to *Mohawk2* for his many
suggestions and contributions.