Tie::RegexpHash - Use regular expressions as hash keys

    Tie::RegexpHash is written for and tested on Perl 5.6.0, but should run
    with Perl 5.005. (Because it uses Regexp variables it cannot run on
    earlier versions of Perl.)

    It uses only standard modules. Serialization is supported through
    Storable, but Storable is not required for normal operation.


    Installation can be done using the traditional Makefile.PL or the newer
    Build.PL methods.

    Using Makefile.PL:

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      make install

    (On Windows platforms you should use `nmake' instead.)

    Using Build.PL (if you have Module::Build installed):

      perl Build.PL
      perl Build test
      perl Build install

      use Tie::RegexpHash;

      my %hash;

      tie %hash, 'Tie::RegexpHash';

      $hash{ qr/^5(\s+|-)?gal(\.|lons?)?/i } = '5-GAL';

      $hash{'5 gal'};     # returns "5-GAL"
      $hash{'5GAL'};      # returns "5-GAL"
      $hash{'5  gallon'}; # also returns "5-GAL"

      my $rehash = Tie::RegexpHash->new();

      $rehash->add( qr/\d+(\.\d+)?/, "contains a number" );
      $rehash->add( qr/s$/,          "ends with an \`s\'" );

      $rehash->match( "foo 123" );  # returns "contains a number"
      $rehash->match( "examples" ); # returns "ends with an `s'"

    This module allows one to use regular expressions for hash keys, so that
    values can be associated with anything that matches the key.

    Hashes can be operated on using the standard tied hash interface in
    Perl, or using an object-oriented interface described below.

    A brief list of changes since the previous release:

    0.15    11 Feb 2006
            - updated notes on Storable use in documentation
            - support serialization with Storable, but do not require
            - skip serialization tests if Storable is not available
    0.14_03 10 Feb 2006
            - noted use of Storable in documentation
            - fix for MANIFEST
    0.14_02 10 Feb 2006
            - fix for freeze subroutine (from Russell Harrison)
            - tests for serialization hooks (from Russell Harrison)
    0.14_01 9 Feb 2006
            - updated test suite to use Test::More
            - added serialization hooks with Storable
              (patch from Russell Harrison)
            - README built with Pod::Readme

    For a detailed history see the Changes file included in this

    Robert Rothenberg <rrwo at>

    Copyright (c) 2001-2002, 2005-2006 Robert Rothenberg. All rights

    Portions Copyright (c) 2006 Russell Harrison. All rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    Tie::Hash::Regex is a module with a complimentary function. Rather than
    a hash with Regexps as keys that match against fetches, it has standard
    keys that are matched by Regexps in fetches.

    Regexp::Match::Any matches many Regexps against a variable.

    Regexp::Match::List is similar, but supports callbacks and various