Tk/DatePick version 1.02
 Minor patch over 1.02 to rectify errors pointed out by Slaven Rezic.

 This is a minor patch over 1.0 to take into account leapyears properly when
adding and subtracting years


Tk::DatePick - Perl extension for Tk to pick dates


  use Tk::DatePick;
  	$datepick = $main->DatePick(
		-text => $currentdate,
		-dateformat => $format,
		-max => $max,
		-min => $min,
		-yeartype => $yeartype,
		-disabled => 'normal',
	$currentdate = $datepick->cget('-text');


This widget is meant to get idiot-proof input of date data in the correct
format. The date is not user editable, so the problem of checking the format
does not arise. It consists of a label field holding the date and six
firebuttons to increment or decrement the year, month and day.

All options are optional. This works fine:

	$datepick = $main->DatePick()->pack();
	$newdate = $datepick->cget('-text');

The options are:

	-text: this is the date fed in by the programmer. Defaults to the current
system date.

	-dateformat: 0 = dd/mm/yyyy, 1 = mm/dd/yyyy. defaults to 0.

	-max, -min: these are strings in the correct date format to specify the
range of dates. max defaults to 31/12/2095 and min to 1/1/1905.

	-yeartype: 'calyear' sets min to 1st jan and max to 31st dec of the current
year specified in the '-text' option. 
'finyear' does the same setting the limits to the financial year (1st april
to 31st march). If the '-text' option is not set, the system date is taken
for determining the current calendar or financial year. If '-yeartype' is set it overrides any settings for '-max'
and '-min'.

	-status: can be 'disabled' where the user cannot change the date or 'normal'
which is the default. 

	There is a demo called which shows the features.


	1. Tk

	2. Tk-GBARR


	Unpack the distribution

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install


	Kenneth Gonsalves.

 	I welcome all comments, suggestions and flames to


	Must be any number crawling around - havent found any though.


	Same License as Perl

	Copyright (C) 2002 Kenneth Gonsalves