Win32::ASP - a module for ASP (PerlScript) Programming

        use Win32::ASP;

        print "This is a test<BR><BR>";

        $PageName = GetFormValue('PageName');

        if ($PageName eq 'Select a page...')
            die "Please go back and select a value from the Pages list.";

        print "You selected the ", $PageName, " page.<BR>";


    I knocked these routines together one day when I was wondering "Why
    don't my `print' statements output to the browser?" and "Why don't
    `exit' and `die' end my script?" So I started investigating how I could
    overload the core functions. `print' is overloaded via the `tie'
    mechanism (thanks to Eryq (, Zero G Inc. for the code
    which I ripped from IO::Scalar).

    Also added recently was `AddDeathHook', which allows cleanup code to be
    executed upon an `exit' or `die'. `BinaryWrite' wraps up Unicode
    conversion and `$Response->BinaryWrite' in one call. Finally, I was
    annoyed that I couldn't just develop a script using GET, then change to
    POST for release, since ASP code handles each one differently.
    `GetFormValue' solves that one.

  Installation instructions

    Assuming the ActiveState repository is up-to-date with the latest
    archive from CPAN, you should be able to type:

        ppm install Win32-ASP

    on the command line. Make sure you're connected to the Internet first.

    Installing via MakeMaker is pretty standard -- just download the archive
    from CPAN, extract it to some directory, then type in that directory:

        perl Makefile.PL
        nmake install

    Don't do `nmake test' because the ASP objects won't be available.

Function Reference
  Print LIST

    Obsolete - use `print' instead.

    Outputs a string or comma-separated list of strings to the browser. Use
    as if you were using `print' in a CGI application. `Print' handles the
    ASP limitation of 128K per `$Response->Write' call.

    Note: `print' calls `Print', so you can actually use either one, but
    `print' is more integrated with "the Perl way."

  DebugPrint LIST

    The same as `Print', except the output is wrapped in HTML comment
    markers, so that you can only see it by viewing the page source.
    `DebugPrint' is not exported, so call it as


    This function is useful for debugging your application. For example, I
    use it to print out SQL before it is executed.


    The same as `Print', except the output is encoded so that any HTML tags
    appear as sent, i.e. < becomes &lt;, > becomes &gt;, etc. `HTMLPrint' is
    not exported, so call it as


    This function is useful for printing output that comes from a database
    or a file, where you don't have total control over the input.

  wprint LIST

    Deprecated - use `print' instead.

  die LIST

    Outputs the contents of LIST to the browser and then exits. `die'
    automatically calls `$Response->End' and executes any cleanup code added
    with `AddDeathHook'.


    Exits the current script. `exit' automatically calls `$Response->End'
    and executes any cleanup code added with `AddDeathHook'.


    The same as `HTMLPrint', except the output is not printed but returned
    as a scalar instead. `HTMLEncode' is not exported, so call it as

        my $text = Win32::ASP::HTMLEncode($val);

    This function is useful to handle output that comes from a database or a
    file, where you don't have total control over the input.

    If an array reference is passed, `HTMLEncode' uses it. Otherwise, it
    assumes an array of scalars is used. Using a reference makes for less
    time spent passing values back and forth, and is the prefered method.

  GetFormValue EXPR [, EXPR]

    Returns the value passed from a form (or non-form GET request). Use this
    method if you want to be able to develop in GET mode (for ease of
    debugging) and move to POST mode for release. The second (optional)
    parameter is for getting multiple parameters, as in


    In the above, `GetFormValue("Q", 1)' returns "a" and
    `GetFormValue("Q", 2)' returns "b".

    `GetFormValue' will work in an array context too, returning all the
    values for a particular parameter. For example, with the above URL:

        my @AllQs = GetFormValue('Q');

    will result in the array `@AllQs' containing `('a', 'b')'.

    If you call `GetFormValue' without any parameters, it will return a list
    of form parameters in the same way that's `param' function does.
    This allows easy iteration over the form elements:

        for my $key (GetFormValue())
            print "$key = ", GetFormValue($key), "<br>\n";

    For convenience, Win32::ASP exports `param' as an alias for

  param EXPR [, EXPR]

    `param' is an alias for `GetFormValue'.

  GetFormCount EXPR

    Returns the number of times EXPR appears in the request (Form or
    QueryString). Use this value as `$i' to iterate over
    `GetFormValue(EXPR, $i)'.

    For example, if the URL is:


    And code is:

        my $numQs = GetFormCount('Q');

    Then `$numQs' will equal 2.

  AddDeathHook LIST

    This frightening-sounding function allows you to have cleanup code
    executed when you `die' or `exit'. For example, you may want to
    disconnect from your database if there is a problem:

            my $Conn = $Server->CreateObject('ADODB.Connection');
            $Conn->Open( "DSN=BADEV1;UID=sa;DATABASE=ProjAlloc" );

            Win32::ASP::AddDeathHook( sub { $Conn->Close if $Conn; } );

    Now when you `die' because of an error, your database connection will
    close gracefully, instead of you having loads of rogue connections that
    you have to kill by hand, or restart your database once a day.

    Death hooks are not executed upon the normal termination of the script,
    so if you have processing that should occur upon a normal exit, be sure
    to execute it directly.

  BinaryWrite LIST

    Performs the same function as `$Response->BinaryWrite', but handles
    Perl's Unicode-related null padding. This function is not exported, so
    call it as



    Copies the `$Request->ServerVariables' collection to the `%ENV' hash,
    allowing the values to be accessed as environment variables. Changes to
    `%ENV' are not propagated back to the `ServerVariables' collection, and
    changes to the `ServerVariables' collection do not automatically appear
    in `%ENV'. To see any such changes, simply run `LoadEnvironment' again.

    `LoadEnvironment' is not exported, so run it as follows:


  SetCookie Name, Value [, HASH]

    Sets the cookie *Name* with the value *Value*. The optional HASH can
    contain any of the following parameters:

    * -expires => A style expires value (see the header()
    * -domain => a domain in the style "" that the cookie is
    returned to.
    * -path => a path that the cookie is returned to.
    * -secure => cookie only gets returned under SSL if this is true.
    If *Value* is a hash reference, then it creates a cookie dictionary. See
    the ASP docs for more info on cookie dictionaries.


        Win32::ASP::SetCookie("Matt", "Sergeant", ( -expires => "+3h",
            -domain => "",
            -path => "/users/matt",
            -secure => 0 ));

    Originally created by Matt Sergeant <>.

    Currently being maintained and updated by Bill Odom