
# Usage: fixin [-s] [files]

# Configuration constants.

$does_shbang = 1;       # Does kernel recognize #! hack?
$verbose = 1;           # Default to verbose

# Construct list of directories to search.

@absdirs = reverse grep(m!^/!, split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'}, 999));

# Process command line arguments.

if ($ARGV[0] eq '-s') {
    $verbose = 0;

die "Usage: fixin [-s] [files]\n" unless @ARGV || !-t;

@ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV;

# Now do each file.

FILE: foreach $filename (@ARGV) {
    open(IN, $filename) ||
	((warn "Can't process $filename: $!\n"), next);
    $_ = <IN>;
    next FILE unless /^#!/;     # Not a shbang file.

    # Now figure out the interpreter name.

    chop($cmd = $_);
    $cmd =~ s/^#! *//;
    ($cmd,$arg) = split(' ', $cmd, 2);
    $cmd =~ s!^.*/!!;

    # Now look (in reverse) for interpreter in absolute PATH.

    $found = '';
    foreach $dir (@absdirs) {
	if (-x "$dir/$cmd") {
	    warn "Ignoring $found\n" if $verbose && $found;
	    $found = "$dir/$cmd";

    # Figure out how to invoke interpreter on this machine.

    if ($found) {
	warn "Changing $filename to $found\n" if $verbose;
	if ($does_shbang) {
	    $_ = "#!$found";
	    $_ .= ' ' . $arg if $arg ne '';
	    $_ .= "\n";
	else {
	    $_ = <<EOF;
eval 'exec $found $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
    if \$running_under_some_shell;
    else {
	warn "Can't find $cmd in PATH, $filename unchanged\n"
	    if $verbose;
	next FILE;

    # Make new file if necessary.

    if ($filename eq '-') {
    else {
	rename($filename, "$filename.bak")
	    || ((warn "Can't modify $filename"), next FILE);
	    || die "Can't create new $filename: $!\n";
	($dev,$ino,$mode) = stat IN;
	$mode = 0755 unless $dev;
	chmod $mode, $filename;

    # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent).


    # Copy the rest of the file.

    while (<IN>) {
    close IN;
    close OUT;