x3270 3.1.1 General Release

x3270 is an IBM 3278/3279 terminal emulator for X windows.

Documentation is in the Docs directory (plain text) and the html directory
(hypertext). The files are:

     What x3270 is
     Where x3270 came from (copyright stuff)
     How to build and install x3270
     Frequently Asked Questions (what to do when something goes wrong)
     A translation table for 3270 field attributes
     Voluminous documentation of all the X resources used by x3270
     An explanation of x3270's use of fonts and character sets
     What's new in this release
     What's broken in this release
     What isn't in this release

There is also a hypertext version of the x3270 man page, and of the man pages
for x3270if, x3270-script and ibm_hosts.

Please read Build before going ahead and building the program. Also, if you
have a problem, scan through FAQ; there are lots of interesting answers there.

Updates to x3270, as well as the current status of development and bugs, are
available from the x3270 Web Page:
Updates are also available on ftp.x.org and several X11R6 mirror sites,
usually in the /contrib/applications/ directory. Fixes are often
distributed as patch files (you will need gnu patch to apply them) under the
name fix.nn, e.g., the next fix to version 3.1.1 will be x3270-3.1.1.fix08.

Feel free to send comments, criticism, suggestions, complaints, etc., to Paul
Mattes, Paul.Mattes@usa.net. Requests will be addressed as time and resources

There is also an x3270 mailing list, which receives news about new releases.
Send a message to Paul.Mattes@usa.net (it's a real person, with an automatic
responses for certain subject lines) to get on the list.