Release Notes for XFree86� 4.8.0

                          The XFree86 Project, Inc

                                December 2008


      This document contains information about the various features and
     their current status in the XFree86 4.8.0 release.

1.  Introduction to the 4.x Release Series

XFree86 4.0 was the first official release of the XFree86 4 series.  The cur-
rent release (4.8.0) is the latest in that series.  The XFree86 4.x series
represents a significant redesign of the XFree86 X server, with a strong
focus on modularity and configurability.

2.  Configuration: a Quick Synopsis

Automatic configuration was introduced with XFree86 4.4.0 which makes it pos-
sible to start XFree86 without first creating a configuration file.  This has
been further improved in subsequent releases.  If you experienced any prob-
lems with automatic configuration in a previous release, it is worth trying
it again with this release.

While the initial automatic configuration support was originally targeted
just for Linux and the FreeBSD variants, as of 4.5.0 it also includes
Solaris, NetBSD and OpenBSD support.  Full support for automatic configura-
tion is planned for other platforms in future releases.

If you are running Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, or Solaris, try Auto Con-
figuration by running:

     XFree86 -autoconfig

If you want to customise some things afterwards, you can cut and paste the
automatically generated configuration from the /var/log/XFree86.0.log file
into an XF86Config file and make your customisations there.  If you need to
customise some parts of the configuration while leaving others to be automat-
ically detected, you can combine a partial static configuration with the
automatically detected one by running:

     XFree86 -appendauto

If you are using a platform that is not currently supported, then you must
try one of the older methods for getting started like "xf86cfg", which is our
graphical configuration tool.  It also has a text mode interface that an be
used to create an initial configuration file and customise existing configu-

After that, you can use XFree86 server's ability to create a starting config-
uration file.  To do so you must login as root, and run:

     XFree86 -configure

and then follow the instructions.

Finally, if all else fails, the trusty old standby text-based tool "xf86con-
fig" can also be used for generating X server config files.

Hopefully, at least one, and perhaps all of these various configuration
options will give you a reasonable starting point for a suitable configura-
tion file but we think that with the automatic mechanism you will probably
not need any.

If you would like to customise the configuration file, see the XF86Config
manual page.  You should also check the driver-specific manual pages and the
related documentation, which is found at tables below (section 4., page 1).

Before downloading any of the binary distributions for this release, read
through the Installation Document as it can point out which particular binary
you should download.

The next section describes what is new in the latest version (4.8.0) compared
with the previous full release (4.7.0).

3.  Summary of new features in 4.8.0.

This is a sampling of the new features in XFree86 4.8.0.  A more complete
list of changes can be found in the CHANGELOG that is part of the XFree86
source tree.  It can also be viewed online at our CVSweb server

3.1  Security Updates

A number of reported security issues have been addressed in this release.
They include:

   o CVE-2007-5760.

   o CVE-2007-5958.

   o CVE-2007-6427.

   o CVE-2007-6428.

   o CVE-2007-6429.

   o CVE-2008-0006.

   o CVE-2008-1377.

   o CVE-2008-1379.

   o CVE-2008-2360.

   o CVE-2008-2361.

3.2  Video Driver Enhancements

3.2.1  ati, atimisc, r128 and radeon

   o Mach64 block transfers and XVideo support have been significantly sped
     up on x86_64 platforms.

   o A bug in atimisc's colourmap handling has been fixed.

   o Support has been added for dual head on Rage 128 Mobility's.

   o Add support for newer RADEONs.

   o Fixed a memory leak in the RADEON driver.

   o A Solaris hang has been corrected that occurred on UltraSPARCs with
     either a Mach64 or RADEON adapter as the system console.

3.2.2  i830

   o Fix bug that occurs when the amount of video memory initially reported
     by the BIOS is zero.

3.3  XKB updates

   o Fix a segfault in XKB that occrred when the system has no LEDs.

3.4  SHAPE Extension

   o This extension has been updated to version 1.1.  This adds input regions
     to windows that scope the area within which pointer movements are
     reported to the client.

3.5  X Servers

3.5.1  XFree86 core server and modules

   o A number of bugs in the PCI-X and PCI Express support introduced in the
     previous release have been addressed.

3.5.2  TinyX

   o Fix stipples in the Xigs and Xsis530 servers.

3.5.3  Xprt

   o A number of file descriptor leaks and double-closes have been fixed in
     the Xprt server.

3.5.4  Xdmx

   o Improved Xdmx's handling of USB devices.

3.5.5  GLX and Mesa

   o Fix segfaults that could occur because buffers were being freeing too
     early during X server termination.

3.5.6  XAA

   o Fix handling of ceertain TE fonts with null glyphs that caused segfaults
     in XAA.

   o A number of 64-bit and integer wraparound bugs have been corrected.

3.6  OS Support Updates

   o On SunOS/sparc or Solaris/sparc, the server now clears all framebuffers
     on exit.

   o To avoid screen corruption on SunOS and Solaris, the server now redi-
     rects /dev/console output while it is running, and copies that data back
     to /dev/console on server exit.  This behaviour can be disabled through
     a command line flag.

3.7  Xft Library

   o A byte-swapping issue in libXft's handling of XImages has been

3.8  xdm

   o When using BSD authentication in xdm, wipe out the password as soon as
     possible to prevent it from appearing in the address space of subse-
     quently forked child processes.

4.  Drivers

4.1  Video Drivers

XFree86 4.8.0 includes the following video drivers:

 |Driver Name   | Description              | Further Information            |
 |apm           | Alliance Pro Motion      | README.apm                     |
 |ark           | Ark Logic                |                                |
 |aspeed        | ASPEED Technology        |                                |
 |ati           | ATI                      | README.ati, README.r128,       |
 |              |                          | r128(4), radeon(4)             |
 |chips         | Chips & Technologies     | README.chips, chips(4)         |
 |cirrus        | Cirrus Logic             |                                |
 |cyrix (*)     | Cyrix MediaGX            | README.cyrix                   |
 |fbdev         | Linux framebuffer device | fbdev(4)                       |
 |glide         | Glide2x (3Dfx)           | glide(4)                       |
 |glint         | 3Dlabs, TI               | glint(4)                       |
 |i128          | Number Nine              | README.I128, i128(4)           |
 |i740          | Intel i740               | README.i740                    |
 |i810          | Intel i8xx               | README.i810, i810(4)           |
 |imstt         | Integrated Micro Solns   |                                |
 |mga           | Matrox                   | mga(4)                         |
 |neomagic      | NeoMagic                 | neomagic(4)                    |
 |newport (-)   | SGI Newport              | README.newport, newport(4)     |
 |nsc           | National Semiconductor   | nsc(4)                         |
 |nv            | NVIDIA                   | nv(4)                          |
 |pnozz (+)     | Weitek P9100             | pnozz(4)                       |
 |rendition     | Rendition                | README.rendition, rendition(4) |
 |s3            | S3 (not ViRGE or Savage) |                                |
 |s3virge       | S3 ViRGE                 | README.s3virge, s3virge(4)     |
 |savage        | S3 Savage                | savage(4)                      |
 |siliconmotion | Silicon Motion           | siliconmotion(4)               |
 |sis           | SiS                      | README.SiS, sis(4)             |
 |sunbw2 (+)    | Sun bw2                  |                                |
 |suncg14 (+)   | Sun cg14                 |                                |
 |suncg3 (+)    | Sun cg3                  |                                |
 |suncg6 (+)    | Sun GX and Turbo GX      |                                |
 |sunffb (+)    | Sun Creator/3D, Elite 3D |                                |
 |sunleo (+)    | Sun Leo (ZX)             |                                |
 |suntcx (+)    | Sun TCX                  |                                |
 |tdfx          | 3Dfx                     | tdfx(4)                        |
 |tga           | DEC TGA                  | README.DECtga                  |
 |trident       | Trident                  | trident(4)                     |
 |tseng         | Tseng Labs               |                                |
 |vesa          | VESA                     | vesa(4)                        |
 |vga           | Generic VGA              | vga(4)                         |
 |via           | VIA                      | via(4)                         |
 |vmware        | VMWare guest OS          | vmware(4)                      |
 |xgi           | Xabre Graphics Inc       | xgi(4)                         |

Drivers marked with (*) are present in a preliminary form in this release,
but are not complete and/or stable yet.

Drivers marked with (+) are for SPARC only.

Drivers marked with (-) are for Linux/mips only.

Darwin/Mac OS X uses IOKit drivers and does not use the module loader drivers
listed above. Further information can be found in README.Darwin.

4.2  Input Drivers

XFree86 4.8.0 includes the following input drivers:

   |Driver Name | Description                      | Further Information |
   |aiptek(*)   | Aiptek USB tablet                | aiptek(4)           |
   |calcomp     | Calcomp                          |                     |
   |citron      | Citron                           | citron(4)           |
   |digitaledge | DigitalEdge                      |                     |
   |dmc         | DMC                              | dmc(4)              |
   |dynapro     | Dynapro                          |                     |
   |elographics | EloGraphics                      |                     |
   |eloinput    | Elo 2500U USB                    | eloinput(4)         |
   |fpit        | Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PCs     | fpit(4)             |
   |hyperpen    | Aiptek HyperPen 6000             |                     |
   |js_x        | JamStudio pentablet              | js_x(4)             |
   |kbd         | generic keyboards (alternate)    | kbd(4)              |
   |keyboard    | generic keyboards                | keyboard(4)         |
   |magictouch  | MagicTouch ProE-X                | magictouch(4)       |
   |microtouch  | MicroTouch                       |                     |
   |mouse       | most mouse devices               | mouse(4)            |
   |mutouch     | MicroTouch                       |                     |
   |palmax      | Palmax PD1000/PD1100             | palmax(4)           |
   |penmount    | PenMount                         |                     |
   |spaceorb    | SpaceOrb                         |                     |
   |summa       | SummaGraphics                    |                     |
   |tek4957     | Tektronix 4957 tablet            | tek4957(4)          |
   |ur98(*)     | Union Reality UR-F98 headtracker | ur98(4)             |
   |void        | dummy device                     | void(4)             |
   |wacom       | Wacom tablets                    | wacom(4)            |

Drivers marked with (*) are available for Linux only.

5.  Known Problems

Currently no known problems are documented.

6.  Overview of XFree86 4.x.

XFree86 4.x has a single X server binary called XFree86.  This binary can
either have one or more video and input drivers linked in statically, or more
usually, dynamically, and in that manner load the video drivers, input driv-
ers, and other modules that are needed.

XFree86 4.8.0 has X server support for most UNIX� and UNIX-like operating
systems on Intel/x86 platforms, plus support for Linux and some BSD OSs on
Alpha, PowerPC, IA-64, AMD64, SPARC, and Mips platforms, and for Darwin on
PowerPC.  Support for additional architectures and operating systems is in
progress and is planned for future releases.

6.1  Loader and Modules

The XFree86 X server has a built-in run-time loader, which can load normal
object files and libraries in most of the commonly used formats.  The loader
does not rely on an operating system's native dynamic loader support and it
works on platforms that do not provide this feature.  This allows for the
modules to be operating system independent (although not, of course, CPU
architecture independent) which means that a module compiled on Linux/x86 can
be loaded by an X server running on Solaris/x86, or FreeBSD, or even OS/2.

The X server makes use of modules for video drivers, X server extensions,
font rasterisers, input device drivers, framebuffer layers (like mfb, cfb,
etc), and internal components used by some drivers (like XAA),

The module interfaces (both API and ABI) used in this release are subject to
change without notice.  While we will attempt to provide backward compatibil-
ity for the module interfaces as of the 4.0 release (meaning that 4.0 modules
will work with future core X server binaries), we cannot guarantee this.
Compatibility in the other direction is explicitly not guaranteed because new
modules may rely on interfaces added in new releases.

Note about module security

     The XFree86 X server runs with root privileges, i.e.  the X server
     loadable modules also run with these privileges.  For this reason
     we recommend that all users be careful to only use loadable modules
     from reliable sources,  otherwise the introduction of viruses and
     contaminated code can occur and wreak havoc on your system.  We
     hope to have a mechanism for signing/verifying the modules that we
     provide available in a future release.

6.2  Configuration

The XFree86 server uses a configuration file as the primary mechanism for
providing configuration and run-time parameters.  The configuration file for-
mat is described in detail in the XF86Config(5) manual page.

The XFree86 server has support for automatically determining an initial con-
figuration on most platforms, as well as support or generating a basic ini-
tial configuration file.

6.3  Command Line Options

Command line options can be used to override some default parameters and
parameters provided in the configuration file.  These command line options
are described in the XFree86(1) manual page.

6.4  XAA

The XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA) was completely rewritten from
scratch for XFree86 4.x.  Most drivers implement acceleration by making use
of the XAA module.

6.5  Multi-head

Some multi-head configurations are supported in XFree86 4.x, primarily with
multiple PCI/AGP cards.

One of the main problems is with drivers not sufficiently initialising cards
that were not initialised at boot time.  This has been improved somewhat with
the INT10 support that is used by most drivers (which allows secondary card
to be "soft-booted", but in some cases there are other issues that still need
to be resolved.  Some combinations can be made to work better by changing
which card is the primary card (either by using a different PCI slot, or by
changing the system BIOS's preference for the primary card).

6.6  Xinerama

Xinerama is an X server extension that allows multiple physical screens to
behave as a single screen.  With traditional multi-head in X11, windows can-
not span or cross physical screens.  Xinerama removes this limitation.  Xin-
erama does, however, require that the physical screens all have the same root
depth, so it isn't possible, for example, to use an 8-bit screen together
with a 16-bit screen in Xinerama mode.

Xinerama is not enabled by default, and can be enabled with the +xinerama
command line option for the X server.

Xinerama was included with X11R6.4.  The version included in XFree86 4.x was
completely rewritten for improved performance and correctness.

Known problems:

   o Not all window managers are Xinerama-aware, and so some operations like
     window placement and resizing might not behave in an ideal way.  This is
     an issue that needs to be dealt with in the individual window managers,
     and isn't specifically an XFree86 problem.

6.7  DGA version 2

DGA 2.0 is included in 4.8.0.  Documentation for the client libraries can be
found in the XDGA(3) man page.  A good degree of backwards compatibility with
version 1.0 is provided.

6.8  DDC

The VESA� Display Data Channel (DDC[tm]) standard allows the monitor to tell
the video card (or on some cases the computer directly) about itself; partic-
ularly the supported screen resolutions and refresh rates.

Partial or complete DDC support is available in most of the video drivers.
DDC is enabled by default, but can be disabled with a "Device" section entry:
Option "NoDDC".  We have support for DDC versions 1 and 2; these can be dis-
abled independently with Option "NoDDC1" and Option "NoDDC2".

At startup the server prints out DDC information from the display, and will
use this information to set the default monitor parameters and video mode
when none are provided explicitly in the configuration file.

6.8.1  Changed behavior caused by DDC.

Several drivers use DDC information to set the screen size and pitch.  This
can be overridden by explicitly resetting it to the non-DDC default value 75
with the -dpi 75 command line option for the X server, or by specifying
appropriate screen dimensions with the "DisplaySize" keyword in the "Monitor"
section of the config file.

6.9  GLX and the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI)

Direct rendered OpenGL� support is provided for several hardware platforms by
the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI), which is part of Mesa.  Mesa also
provides the 3D core rendering component of GLX.  Further information can be
found at the DRI Project's web site <URL:> and the Mesa web
site <URL:>.

6.10  XVideo Extension (Xv)

The XVideo extension is supported in XFree86 4.x.  An XvQueryPortAttributes
function has been added as well as support for XvImages.  XvImages are XIm-
ages in alternate color spaces such as YUV and can be passed to the server
through shared memory segments.  This allows clients to display YUV data with
high quality hardware scaling and filtering.

6.11  X Rendering Extension (Render)

The X Rendering extension provides a 2D rendering model that more closely
matches application demands and hardware capabilities.  It provides a render-
ing model derived from Plan 9 based on Porter/Duff image composition rather
than binary raster operations.

Using simple compositing operators provided by most hardware, Render can draw
anti-aliased text and geometric objects as well as perform translucent image
overlays and other image operations not possible with the core X rendering

XFree86 4.8.0 provides a partial implementation of Render sufficient for
drawing anti-aliased text and image composition.  Still to be implemented are
geometric primitives and affine transformation of images.

Unlike the core protocol, Render provides no font support for applications,
rather it allows applications to upload glyphs for display on the screen.
This allows the client greater control over text rendering and complete
access to the available font information while still providing hardware
acceleration.  The Xft library provides font access for Render applications.

6.11.1  The Xft Library

On the client side, the Xft library provides access to fonts for applications
using the FreeType library, version 2.  FreeType currently supports Type1 and
TrueType font files, a future release is expected to support BDF and PCF
files as well, so Render applications will have access to the complete range
of fonts available to core applications.  One important thing to note is that
Xft uses the vertical size of the monitor to compute accurate pixel sizes for
provided point sizes; if your monitor doesn't provide accurate information
via DDC, you may want to add that information to XF86Config.

To allow a graceful transition for applications moving from core text render-
ing to the Render extension, Xft can use either core fonts or FreeType and
the Render extension for text.  By default, Xft is configured to support both
core fonts and FreeType fonts using the supplied version of FreeType 2.  See
the section on FreeType support in Xft for instructions on configuring
XFree86 to use an existing FreeType installation.

The Xft library uses a configuration file, XftConfig, which contains informa-
tion about which directories contain font files and also provides a sophisti-
cated font aliasing mechanism.  Documentation for that file is included in
the Xft(3) man page.

6.11.2  FreeType support in Xft

XFree86 4.8.0 includes sources for FreeType version 2.1.8, and, by default,
it is built and installed automatically.

6.11.3  Application Support For Anti-Aliased Text

Only three applications have been modified in this release to work with the
Render extension and the Xft and FreeType libraries to provide anti-aliased
text.  Xterm, xditview and x11perf.  Migration of other applications may
occur in future releases.

By default, xterm uses core fonts through the standard core API.  It has a
command line option and associated resource to direct it to use Xft instead:

   o -fa family / .VT100.faceName: family.  Selects the font family to use.

Xditview will use Xft instead of the core API by default.  X11perf includes
tests to measure the performance of text rendered in three ways, anti-
aliased, anti-aliased with sub-pixel sampling and regular chunky text, but
through the Render extension, a path which is currently somewhat slower than
core text.

6.12  Other extensions

The XFree86-Misc extension has not been fully ported to the new server archi-
tecture yet.  This might be completed in a future release.

The XFree86-VidModeExtension extension has been updated, and mostly ported to
the new server architecture.  The area of mode validation needs further work,
and the extension should be used with care.  This extension has support for
changing the gamma setting at run-time, for modes where this is possible.
The xgamma utility makes use of this feature.  Compatibility with the 3.3.x
version of the extension is provided.  The missing parts of this extension
and some new features should be completed in a future release.

6.13  xedit

Xedit has several new features, including:

   o An embedded lisp interpreter that allows easier extension of the editor.

   o Several new syntax highlight modes, and indentation rules for C and

   o Flexible search/replace interface that allows regex matches.

   o Please refer to xedit(1) for more details.

6.14  Font support

Details about the font support in XFree86 4.x can be found in the
README.fonts document.

6.15  TrueType support

The XFree86 4.x server comes with a TrueType backend, known as the "FreeType"
backend, based on the FreeType library.  The functionality of the former X-
TrueType was merged into the FreeType backend by the After X-TT Project for
the XFree86 4.4.0 release, and the old X-TrueType backend has been dropped as
of XFree86 4.5.0.

6.16  CID font support

Support for CID-keyed fonts is included in XFree86 4.x.  The CID-keyed font
format was designed by Adobe Systems <URL:> for fonts
with large character sets.  The CID-keyed font support in XFree86 was donated
by SGI <URL:>.  See the LICENSE document for a copy of the
CID Font Code Public License.

6.17  Internationalisation of the scalable font backends

XFree86 4.x has a ``fontenc'' layer to allow the scalable font backends to
use a common method of font re-encoding.  This re-encoding makes it possible
to use fonts in encodings other than their their native encoding.  This layer
is used by the FreeType, Type1 and Speedo backends.

6.18  Large font optimisation

The glyph metrics array, which all the X clients using a particular font have
access to, is placed in shared memory, so as to reduce redundant memory con-
sumption.  For non-local clients, the glyph metrics array is transmitted in a
compressed format.

6.19  Unicode/ISO 10646 support

What is included in 4.x:

   o All ``-misc-fixed-*'' BDF fonts are now available in the ISO10646-1
     encoding and cover at least the 614 characters found in ISO
     8859-{1-5,7-10,14,15}, CP1252, and MES-1. The non-bold fonts also cover
     all Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) characters, including those found in all
     8-bit MS-DOS/Windows code pages. The 8-bit variants of the ``-misc-
     fixed-*'' BDF fonts (ISO8859-1, ISO8859-2, KOI8-R, etc.) have all been
     automatically generated from the new ISO10646-1 master fonts.

   o Some ``-misc-fixed-*'' BDF ISO10646-1 fonts now cover a comprehensive
     Unicode repertoire of over 3000 characters including all Latin, Greek,
     Cyrillic, Armenian, Gregorian, Hebrew, IPA, and APL characters, plus
     numerous scientific, typographic, technical, and backwards-compatibility
     symbols. Some of these fonts also cover Arabic, Ethiopian, Thai,
     Han/Kanji, Hangul, full ISO 8859, and more. For the 6x13 font there is
     now a 12x13ja Kanji extension and for the 9x18 font there is a 18x18ja
     Kanji/Han/Hangul extension, which covers all ISO-2022-JP-2 (RFC 1554)
     characters. The 9x18 font can also be used to implement simple combining
     characters by accent overstriking. For more information, read Markus
     Kuhn's UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ <URL:

   o Mark Leisher's ClearlyU proportional font (similar to Computer Modern).

   o ISO 10646/Unicode UTF-8 Level 1 support added to xterm (enabled with the
     -u8 option).

   o The FreeType font backend supports Unicode-encoded fonts.

6.20  Xlib Compose file support and extensions

A more flexible Compose file processing system was added to Xlib in XFree86
4.4.0.  The compose file is searched for in the following order:

  1.  If the environment variable $XCOMPOSEFILE is set, its value is used as
      the name of the Compose file.

  2.  If the user's home directory has a file named ".XCompose", it is used
      as the Compose file.

  3.  The old method is used, and the compose file is "<xlocaledir>/<locale-

Compose files can now use an "include" instruction.  This allows local modi-
fications to be made to existing compose files without including all of the
content directly.  For example, the system's iso8859-1 compose file can be
included with a line like this:

     include "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/iso8859-1/Compose"

There are two substitutions that can be made in the file name of the include
instruction.  %H expands to the user's home directory (the $HOME environment
variable), and %L expands to the name of the locale specific Compose file
(i.e., "<xlocaledir>/<localename>/Compose").

For example, you can include in your compose file the default Compose file by

     include "%L"

and then rewrite only the few rules that you need to change.  New compose
rules can be added, and previous ones replaced.

Finally, it is no longer necessary to specify in the right part of a rule a
locale encoded string in addition to the keysym name.  If the string is omit-
ted, Xlib figures it out from the keysym according to the current locale.
I.e., if a rule looks like:

     <dead_grave> <A> : "\300" Agrave

the result of the composition is always the letter with the "\300" code.  But
if the rule is:

     <dead_grave> <A> : Agrave

the result depends on how Agrave is mapped in the current locale.

6.21  Luxi fonts from Bigelow and Holmes

XFree86 includes the ``Luxi'' family of Type 1 fonts and TrueType fonts.
This family consists of the fonts ``Luxi Serif'', ``Luxi Sans'' and
``Luxi Mono'' in Roman, oblique, bold and bold oblique variants.  The True-
Type version have glyphs covering the basic ASCII Unicode range, the Latin 1
range, as well as the Extended Latin range and some additional punctuation
characters.  In particular, these fonts include all the glyphs needed for
ISO 8859 parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13 and 15, as well as all the glyphs in the
Adobe Standard encoding and the Windows 3.1  character set.

The glyph coverage of the Type 1 versions is somewhat reduced, and only cov-
ers ISO 8859 parts 1, 2 and 15 as well as the Adobe Standard encoding.

The Luxi fonts are original designs by Kris Holmes and Charles Bigelow from
Bigelow and Holmes Inc., who developed the Luxi typeface designs in Ikarus
digital format.  URW++ Design and Development GmbH converted the Ikarus for-
mat fonts to TrueType and Type 1 font programs and implemented the grid-fit-
ting "hints" and kerning tables in the Luxi fonts.

The license terms for the Luxi fonts are included in the file `COPYRIGHT.BH',
as well as in the License document.  For further information, please contact
<> or <>, or consult the URW++ web
site <URL:>.

7.  Credits

This section lists the credits for the XFree86 4.8.0 release.  For a more
detailed breakdown, refer to the CHANGELOG file in the XFree86 source tree,
the cvs-commit archives <URL:>, or the 'cvs log' information for individual
source files.

      New Features, Enhancements and Updates:

                  Security Updates:
                        X.Org, Matthieu Herrb.

                  Improved SPARC, PCI-X and PCI Express support:
                        Marc La France.


                  General Integration of Submissions:
                        Marc La France, David H. Dawes.

      Patches and other submissions (in alphabetical order):
            David Arlie, Alan Brown, Alex Chen, Yves de Champlain, Egbert
            Eich, Matthieu Herrb, Matthias Hopf, Peter Hutterer, Pat Kane,
            David Krause, Felix Kuehling, Marc La France, John Lumby, Paul
            Mackerras, Keith Packard, Soran Sandmann Pedersen, Aaron Plat-
            tner, Scitech, Miod Vallat, Christian Weisgerber, Dick Wesseling,
            David Wong, X.Org.

            Georgina O. Economou

            Internet Systems Consortium, Inc <URL:>.

8.  Attributions/Acknowledgements

This product includes software developed by The XFree86 Project, Inc
( and its contributors.

This product includes software that is based in part of the work of the
FreeType Team (

This product includes software developed by the University of California,
Berkeley and its contributors.

This product includes software developed by Christopher G. Demetriou.

This product includes software developed by the NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and
its contributors

This product includes software developed by X-Oz Technologies (http://www.x-

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