#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Description: Converts given English text into Pig Latin # Delon Newman <delon.newman@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2007 $/=""; my $text = $ARGV[0]; $text = <> unless $ARGV[0]; translate(\$text, create_dictionary($text)); sub translate { my $text = shift; my $dict = shift; print "Beginning to translate...\n"; foreach (keys %$dict) { $$text =~ s/\b$_\b/$dict->{$_}/g } print "Translation complete.\n"; print "\nHere is the text:\n"; print $$text; print "\n"; } sub create_dictionary { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/[\,\.\:\;\-\?\!\%\*\#\^\(\)\@\$\+="\[\]{}\\\|\'\/]/ /g; my @words = split /[\s\n]+/, $text; my %dict; foreach (@words) { next if /\d/; next unless $_; next if $dict{$_}; if (starts_with_vowl($_)) { $dict{$_} = $_; } else { # FIXME: This should exclude y in # cases where it is a vowl m/([b-df-hj-np-tv-z]+)/i; $dict{$_} = $_ . lc($1); $dict{$_} =~ s/$1//i; } if (/[A-Z]{2,}/) { $dict{$_} .= 'AY' } else { $dict{$_} .= 'ay' } $dict{$_} = ucfirst($dict{$_}) if (/^[A-Z]/); } print "Dictionary complete.\n"; print int(keys %dict) . " words.\n"; return \%dict; } sub _starts_with { my $word = shift; my @letters = @_; map { return 1 if ($word =~ /^$_/i) } @letters; return 0; } sub starts_with_vowl { my $word = shift; my @vowls = qw{a e i o u}; return _starts_with($word, @vowls); } sub starts_with_consonant { my $word = shift; my @consonants = qw{b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z}; return _starts_with($word, @consonants); }