This code is made available under the same terms as Perl itself. dapple is a DAAP library for Perl. DAAP is the protocol built on top of HTTP that Apple's iTunes 4 uses to share music. Most responses to DAAP requests contain a binary DMAP structure. This distribution contains: Net::DAAP::DMAP - utility routines for reading and creating DMAP records Net::DAAP::Client - code to talk to a DAAP server You must have the LWP module set installed to use this code. *** *** This is an incomplete release. There are missing features. *** See the TODO file for future plans. Expect new releases fast *** until 0.5 or so. To install these modules, follow these steps: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install This code was originally written by Nathan Torkington, based on DAAP reverse-engineering work by Todd Larason. Other contributors are listed in the AUTHORS file. Please send your feedback (and patches!) to C<< <dapple AT> >>. Version 0.1 released May 13, 2003. Version 0.2 released May 23, 2003. Public.