MD5 Extension Version 1.7

This is a Perl5 extension interface to the RSA Data Security Inc. MD5
Message Digest algorithm. Documentation is in MD5.pod.

To build the extension, unpack this distribution under the ext/
directory of your Perl source distribution, create the Makefile using
'perl Makefile.PL' and do a 'make'.

Note that the MD5.xs file uses the "PROTOTYPES: DISABLE" facility
which only became available in late betas pf perl 5.002. If you are
using a version which does not support this then merely remove
this line.

The script gives a simple example of how to use the
routines. In particular 'perl -x' will perform a quick
test of the routines to see if they produce the expected output. The
use of "make test" will perform a more comprehensive test. (WARNING:
You should not run directly in the MD5 directory when using
dynamic linking as on some systems it will dynamically link to object
files in the current directory which may not give the correct
behaviour. This is believed to affect at least AIX and IRIX. A similar
caveat applies to the direct use of the script).

The module is known to work (using static or dynamic linking) on at
least AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and IRIX. It should work on other
"reasonable" UNIX-like platforms (for an unspecified definition of the
word "reasonable" :-)

Support is also provided for 64-bit platforms. This should be detected
and handled automatically. See the entry for version 1.7 in the
Changes file for further details.

Bugs, queries, plaudits to

	Neil Winton

*   Neil Winton			Post Point P5		*
*	BT Laboratories		*
*   Tel +44 1473 646079		Martlesham Heath	*
*   Fax +44 1473 643306		IPSWICH IP5 7RE, UK	*