00Index This file /pub/ham/packet/bbs/f6fbb/doggie/00Index) bc201.zip Beacon Changer, different beacons on different times bke102.zip TicTacToe, online game for FBB byebye10.zip Byebye, original logout for FBB ctrl100.zip TFPCX Controller, send commands to TFPCX online df11.zip DisplayFile, show a regular textfile to users enc7_235.zip Encode7, the world's no.1 program to send files with 7plus fp110.zip FindProgram, allow users to search the filebase for files kk114.zip CodeCracker, online game for FBB (Mastermind) logon14.zip Logon! Users can enter a onliner for everyone to read ngs106.zip NewsGroupServer, start a mailinglist (FBB) pg12.zip PG, Show an original PG-list instead of the hardcoded one se201.zip ShowExecutables, show executable files in a dir tt230.zip TeleText, users can browse thru information (FBB)