% spanish-mla.lbx v2.1a 2022/02/22
% Spanish localization in this file provided by Ivan Fernandez.
% Abbreviations taken, whenever possible, from Appendix 2 of the
% Diccionario Panhisp��nico de Dudas, http://buscon.rae.es/dpdI/

\ProvidesFile{spanish-mla.lbx}[2022/02/22 v2.1a biblatex style localization]


  inherit          = {spanish},
  % andothers        = {{et~al\adddot}{et~al\adddot}},
  % byeditor         = {{ed\adddot}{ed\adddot}},% 
  % byeditoraf       = {{ed\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditoran       = {{ed\adddotspace y anot\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y anot\adddot}},
  % byeditoranaf     = {{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditoranfo     = {{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditoranin     = {{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{ed\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % byeditorco       = {{ed\adddotspace y com\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y com\adddot}},
  % byeditorcoaf     = {{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditorcofo     = {{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditorcoin     = {{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{ed\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % byeditorfo       = {{ed\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditorin       = {{ed\adddotspace y introd\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y introd\adddot}},
  % byeditortr       = {{ed\adddotspace y trad\adddot}{ed\adddotspace y trad\adddot}},
  % byeditortraf     = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortran     = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y anot\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y anot\adddot}},
  % byeditortranaf   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortranfo   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortranin   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % byeditortrco     = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y com\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y com\adddot}},
  % byeditortrcoaf   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortrcofo   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortrcoin   = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % byeditortrfo     = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % byeditortrin     = {{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{ed\adddot, trad\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % bygeneraleditor  = {{editor general}{ed\adddotspace gen\adddot}},% 
  % bytranslator     = {{trad\adddot}{trad\adddot}},% FIXME to read "trans. by" in the first instance
  % bytranslatoraf   = {{trad\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{trad\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatoran   = {{trad\adddotspace y anot\adddot}{trad\adddotspace y anot\adddot}},
  % bytranslatoranaf = {{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatoranfo = {{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatoranin = {{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{trad\adddot, anot\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorco   = {{trad\adddotspace y com\adddot}{trad\adddotspace y com\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorcoaf = {{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y ep\'{i}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorcofo = {{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorcoin = {{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{trad\adddot, com\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorfo   = {{trad\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}{trad\adddotspace y pr\'{o}l\adddot}},
  % bytranslatorin   = {{trad\adddotspace e introd\adddot}{trad\adddotspace e introd\adddot}},
  % compiler         = {{recopilador}{rec\adddot}},% unverified
  % compilers        = {{recopiladors}{recs\adddot}},% unverified
  % composedby       = {{compuesto por}{compuesto por}},
  % reviewof         = {{rese\~{n}a de}{rese\~{n}a de}},
  % transof          = {{traducci\'{o}n~de}{traducci\'{o}n~de}},
  % volume           = {{Vol\adddot}{Vol\adddot}},
  adaptation       = {{adapt\adddot}{adapt\adddot}},
  adaptor          = {{adapt\adddot}{adapt\adddot}},
  bibliography     = {{Obras citadas}{Obras citadas}},
  composer         = {{comp\adddot}{comp\adddot}},
  director         = {{dir\adddot}{dir\adddot}},
  dphil            = {{Tesis}{Tesis}},%
  lic              = {{Lic\adddotspace tesis}{Lic\adddotspace tesis}},
  ma               = {{MA\addabbrvspace tesis}{MA\addabbrvspace tesis}},
  manuscript       = {{manuscrito}{manuscrito}},
  mlitt            = {{MLitt\addabbrvspace tesis}{MLitt\addabbrvspace tesis}},
  mphil            = {{MPhil\addabbrvspace tesis}{MPhil\addabbrvspace tesis}},
  ms               = {{MS\addabbrvspace tesis}{MS\addabbrvspace tesis}},
  msc              = {{MSc\addabbrvspace tesis}{MSc\addabbrvspace tesis}},
  page             = {{p\'ag\adddot}{p\'ag\adddot}},
  pages            = {{p\'ags\adddot}{p\'ags\adddot}},
  patentde         = {{Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt}{DE}},% patent offices presented by local names
  patenteu         = {{Oficina Europea de Patentes}{EU}},% Hmmm...
  patentfr         = {{Institut National de la Propri\'{e}t\'{e} Industrielle}{FR}},% patent offices presented by local names
  patentuk         = {{The Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom}{UK}},% patent offices presented by local names
  patentus         = {{United States Patent and Trademark Office}{US}},% patent offices presented by local names
  patreqfr         = {{Institut National de la Propri\'{e}t\'{e} Industrielle}{FR pat\adddot req\adddot}},
  performer        = {{ejecutante}{ejecutante}},
  performers       = {{ejecutantes}{ejecutantes}},
  phd              = {{Tesis}{Tesis}},%
  phdthesis        = {{Tesis}{Tesis}},
  print            = {{impresi\'{o}n}{impresi\'{o}n}},
  proceedings      = {{actas}{actas}},
  producer         = {{prod\adddot}{prod\adddot}},
  references       = {{Obras citadas}{Obras citadas}},
  screenplay       = {{adapt\adddot}{adapt\adddot}},
  supptotitle      = {{a}{a}},
  typescript       = {{mecanografiado}{mecanografiado}},
  volstodate       = {{vol\'{u}menes hasta ahora}{vol\'{u}menes hasta ahora}},
  web              = {{web}{web}},  
  with             = {{con}{con}},
  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following translations still need to be verified
  bycompilerandeditor = {{compilado y editado por}{comp\adddotspace y ed\adddotspace por}},% unverified 
  bycomposer       = {{comp\adddotspace por}{comp\adddotspace por}},% unverified
  byconductor      = {{dir\adddotspace por}{dir\adddotspace por}},% unverified
  bycreator        = {{creado por}{creado por}},% unverified
  bydirector       = {{dirigido por}{dirigido por}},% unverified
  byhost           = {{organizado por}{organizado por}},% unverified
  byinterviewer    = {{entrevista por}{entrevista por}},% unverified
  bynarrator       = {{narrado por}{narr\adddotspace por}},% unverified
  byperformer       = {{interpretado por}{interpretado por}},% unverified
  byscreenplay     = {{gui\'on de}{gui\'on de}},% unverified
  compilerandeditor = {{compilaci\'{o}n y edici\'on}{comp\adddotspace y ed\adddot}},% unverified
  conductor        = {{direct\adddot}{direct\adddot}},% 2.1 unverified
  creator          = {{cread\adddot}{cread\adddot}},% 2.1 unverified
  generaleditor    = {{edici\'on general}{ed\adddotspace gen\adddot}},% unverified
  host             = {{anfit\adddot}{anfit\adddot}},% 2.1 unverified
  interviewer      = {{entrevist\adddot}{entrevist\adddot}},% 2.1 unverified
  narrator         = {{narr\adddot}{narr\adddot}},% 2.1 unverified
  numbers          = {{n\'umeros}{n\'umeros}},% 2.1 unverified
  recorded         = {{grabado}{grabado}},% 2.1 unverified
  specissue        = {{n\'umero especial}{n\'umero especial}},% unverified
  tvepisode        = {{episodio}{episodio}},% 2.1 unverified
  tvseason         = {{temporada}{temporada}},% 2.1 unverified

