% german-publist.lbx, extra localizations for biblatex-publist
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
% This Current Maintainer of this work is J��rgen Spitzm��ller.
% This work consists of the file publist.bbx
% This file adds some additional localizations that are used by
% the biblatex-publist bibliography style
% Please send suggestions and bug reports to 
% https://github.com/jspitz/biblatex-publist


\ProvidesFile{german-publist.lbx}[\bpl@rdate\space v.\bpl@version\space
                                  biblatex-publist German localisation (JSP)]

% Inherit general localization

% Localizations
    inherit             = {german},
    parttranslationof   = {{Teil\"ubersetzung von}{Teil\"ubers\adddotspace von}},
    with                = {{mit}{mit}},
    citations           = {{Zitationen}{Zit\adddot}},
    impactfactor        = {{Impactfaktor}{JIF}},
    openaccess:true     = {{OpenAccess}{OA}},
    openaccess:gold     = {{OpenAccess (gold)}{OA (gold)}},
    openaccess:green    = {{OpenAccess (gr\"un)}{OA (gr\"un)}},
    peerreview:sb       = {{Blindbegutachtung}{Blindbeg\adddot}},
    peerreview:db       = {{Doppelblindbegutachtung}{Doppelblindbeg\adddot}},
    peerreview:op       = {{Offene Begutachtung}{Offene Beg\adddot}},
    peerreview:co       = {{Kollaborative Begutachtung}{Kollab\adddotespace Beg\adddot}},
    peerreview:cc       = {{Cascading-Begutachtung}{Cascading-Beg\adddot}},
    peerreview:tp       = {{Begutachtung durch Dritte}{Beg\adddotspace durch Dritte}},
    peerreview:pp       = {{Post-Publication-Begutachtung}{Post-Pub\adddot-Beg\adddot}},
    peerreview:no       = {{keine Begutachtung}{keine Beg\adddot}},
    annot:main          = {{Hauptautor}{Hauptaut\adddot}},
    annot:corresponding = {{Korrespondenzautor}{Korr.-aut\adddot}}
