%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%% biblatex-unified --- A biblatex implementation of the Unified Style
%%   Sheet for Linguistics Journals. This is the house style of the
%%   journal "Semantics & Pragmatics" (A journal of the Linguistic
%%   Society of America).
%% Maintained by Kai von Fintel (fintel@mit.edu)
%% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
%% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------

\ProvidesFile{unified.bbx}[2022/11/08 v1.20 biblatex bibliography style]

% biblatex by default calls biblatex.def, we add to this authoryear.bbx, which     %
% in turn loads standard.bbx. So, unified.bbx is built on top of those styles;     %
% once authoryear.bbx is loaded, we tell it not to put in dashes for repeated      %
% authors (in accordance with the Unified Stylesheet)                              %


% NB: The Unified Style Sheet wants abbreviated "ed(s)", "edn". But using the      %
% abbreviate option also abbreviates the names of months. But then                 %
% dateabbrev=false restores the long names of months                               %


% For backward compatibility: choose labeldate or labeldateparts                   %
% depending on the biblatex version                                                %

\@ifpackagelater{biblatex}{2016/09/09} {%
  \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{labeldateparts}} {%
  \def\printlabeldateextra{\printdateextralabel} }%

% If an @article entry contains Issuetitle and Editor information, we              %
% might not want to print it. The Unified Style Sheet does not offer               %
% explicit guidelines on this, but they don't have any examples where              %
% either of these pieces of information are actually printed.                      %
% Therefore, we can offer an option for the user to decide whether to              %
% print it. The default will be not to print it since the Unified                  %
% Style Sheet does not have examples where this information is                     %
% printed. The user can print it by setting `issueandeditor=true` as a             %
% package option when biblatex is called.                                          %


% Treating prefixes like "von" as part of the last name, but ignore them for       %
% sorting (relies on useprefix=true default option)                                %



% Moving "Jr." to after the first name                                             %



% We use `date+extradate` but biblatex versions before 3.8 didn't have that        %
% macro. Older versions were smart enough to complain about `\renewmacro` and      %
% use `\newmacro` instead. But the following construction works for both cases     %

     \iffieldundef{labelyear} {}
     {\printtext{\printlabeldateextra}}}% Took out parentheses around the year

    test \ifuseauthor
    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
    {\newunit}%                               period instead of space
  \newunit}}%                                 period instead of space
     \newunit}%                               period instead of space

    test \ifuseeditor
    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
     \newunit}%                                         period instead of space
     \newunit}%                                         period instead of space

    test \ifusetranslator
    not test {\ifnameundef{translator}}
     \newunit}%                                     period instead of space
     \newunit}%                                     period instead of space


     % The following three lines were originally not included inside of
     % the journal+issuetitle bibmacro. They have been moved inside of
     % this macro in order to allow them to be controlled by the toggle
     % `issuetitle` that is defined at the top of this style file.

% The next three bib macros are for printing the maintitle and                     %
% booktitle fields of an @inproceedings entry with an ISSN as an                   %
% article in accordance with the unified style sheet guidelines.                   %

% 1. maintitle

    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}

% 2. booktitle

    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}

% 3. maintitle+booktitle


%  \setunit*{\adddot}%
  \printfield[parens]{number}%  parentheses instead of dot before issue number

% This is for printing the volume field of a proceedings with an ISSN              %
% as an article in accordance with the unified style sheet guidelines.             %
% It depends on the declared field format below.                                   %


% Because of the weird format "3 May, 2007" specified in the Unified               %
% Stylesheet for URL access dates, we need a special way to format the             %
% urldate                                                                          %

\newcommand{\mkbibdateunified}[3]{% Year-Month-Day as input --> xx Month, Year







% The following is a hack to satisfy the Unified Stylesheet's decision             %
% to give the edition right after the OED as used as a sortlabel.                  %

        \setunit{\addcomma\space}%     Here it comes, preparing for the edition
        \printfield{edition}%          Here's the edition
        \clearfield{edition}}%         Clearing the edition field

%                         PUNCTUATION & FORMATTING                                 %

% This gets rid of the Oxford comma in name lists and uses the                     %
% ampersand rather than "and":                                                     %


% no colon after "In" in incollection entries (overriding                          %
% biblatex.def):                                                                   %


% Subtitles are indicated with a colon after the main title, unless the title      %
% ends in a punctuation mark. %                                                    %


% No comma before pages, just the usual new unit period                            %


  edition = {edn\adddot},
  phdthesis = {dissertation},

% basically everything is in sentence case, other than journals and                %
% book series (recurring titles)                                                   %


% No quotes around titles                                                          %


% Just like book titles, thesis titles are in italics                              %


\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}     % no pp. prefix, took \mkpageprefix out [kvf]

% This is for printing the volume field of a proceedings with an ISSN              %
% as an article in accordance with the unified style sheet guidelines              %


% Display of DOIs etc.                                                             %

% The unified style displays DOIs according to the Crossref guidelines as full
% `https://doi.org/...'' links. But the user can choose to give the `compactlinks
% option when loading biblatex, which will use a more compact display.




% Redefine jstor and googlebooks eprint formats (full links unless compactlinks option is set)


      {Google Books\addcolon\space{\href{http://books.google.com/books?id=#1}{\nolinkurl{#1}}}}

% Print LingBuzz entries using an eprint field

% Print Rutgers Optimality Archive entries using an eprint field

% Unless the user issues the option `alllinks`, if there's a DOI, only that will be
% displayed, and if there's no DOI but an eprint, only that will be displayed. If
% `alllinks` is issued, all links (up to three) will be displayed


% We first check whether the url field contains a link to a DOI or an established eprint source
% If so, we put that info into the DOI or eprint fields
           \step[fieldset=doi, fieldvalue={$3}]
           \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={$2}]
           \step[fieldset=eprinttype, fieldvalue={lingbuzz}]
           \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={$2}]
           \step[fieldset=eprinttype, fieldvalue={jstor}]
           \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={$2}]
           \step[fieldset=eprinttype, fieldvalue={googlebooks}]
           \step[fieldset=eprint, fieldvalue={$2}]
           \step[fieldset=eprinttype, fieldvalue={roa}]

% biblatex doesn't like things like "forthcoming'' in the year/date field. The     %
% canonical way to do this is to put "forthcoming" in the `pubstate` field. Since  %
% we want that to be treated as the label, we need to adjust some things. What we  %
% do here is suggested at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/444414/70432.            %



%                         THE BIBLIOGRAPHY DRIVERS                                 %

% First, the entry types used in the Unified Test Bibliography.                    %
% Could rely on standard.bbx for all others as a fallback.                         %

% For the article type, the only departure from standard.bbx is that               %
% we don't use a literal "In: " before the journal title; other                    %
% formatting departures are done in the format specs and bibmacros                 %

  \newblock%                          \newblock ensures period before pages


% Aliased to ensure no period between the title and the series.                    %


% @inbook entries look terrible as-is, and have fields very similar to             %
% @incollection anyway                                                             %



% Given the guidelines in the unified style sheet, we should print                 %
% conference proceedings and working papers as @article's just in case             %
% the publication has an ISSN. So, rather than have users handle this              %
% in the database by changing the entry type, we can implement this by             %
% checking if the inproceedings entry has an ISSN. If the field is                 %
% undefined, the driver will do what driver did for @inproceedings                 %
% entries as of 512f11657199a6044f7663da454f3eac338bdbd5 except that               %
% \printlist{organization} and \newunit have been removed. On the                  %
% other hand, if the ISSN field is not undefined, then we will do                  %
% largely the exact same thing that we do in the @article driver,                  %
% except that we use the two macros                                                %
% \usebibmacro{unified:proc-as-article:maintitle+booktitle} and                    %
% \usebibmacro{unified:proc-as-article:volume+number+eid} instead of               %
% \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle} and except that                                 %
% \usebibmacro{byeditor+others} has been removed so as to ensure that              %
% the editors are not listed even if they are present in the database.             %


