biblatex-luh-ipw 2013/11/18 v0.3
Copyright (c) 2012--2013 Oliver Heins <oheins(at)>

Contents of README
 1. Package description
 2. Installation
 3. Usage notes
 4. Documentation
 5. History
 6. Acknowledgements
 7. Licence
 8. Files

 1. Package description
 biblatex-luh-ipw is a small collection of styles for the 
 biblatex package. It was designed for citations in the 
 Humanities, following the guidelines of style 
 of the institutes for the social sciences of the Leibniz 
 University Hannover/LUH (especially the Institute of 
 Political Science).  biblatex-luh-ipw is dependend 
 on biblatex (version 1.1 at least) and cannot be used 
 without it!
 Any suggestions concerning this package are highly 
 2. Installation
 biblatex-luh-ipw is part of the distributions MiKTeX and 
 TeX Live. Thus, you can easily install it using the
 respective package manager. If you would like to install 
 biblatex-dw manually, do the following: Extract the 
 archive to the $LOCALTEXMF directory of your system. 
 Refresh your filename database. For further information, 
 please see the documentation of your LaTeX distribution.
 3. Usage notes
 The styles are loaded as the biblatex standard styles:

 If you want to learn more about the styles and their 
 additional options, please consult the package 

 4. Documentation

 Right now, the documentation of biblatex-luh-ipw is only
 available in German.  It  can be found in 
 the file 'de-biblatex-luh-ipw.pdf'. This file is intended 
 for viewing on a computer screen. A printable version can 
 be compiled from the file 'de-biblatex-luh-ipw.tex'. You 
 only have to comment the line 
 (i.e. put a % sign in front of it) and uncomment the line 
 (i.e. delete the % sign at the beginning of this line).
 Note: The fonts may not be installed on your system. The 
 following fonts were used for the documentation:
 * Linux Libertine in running text
 * Linux Biolinum (part of the Libertine package) for 
 * BeraMono as typewriter font
 These fonts are freely available. If you do not have these
 fonts installed in your system or do not want to install 
 them, you can easily use another font. The relevant 
 settings can be found in the file 

 5. History
 - 2011-11-04 Version v0.1
 - 2012-01-09 Version v0.2
 - 2013-11-18 Version v0.3

 6. Licence
 This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
 conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
 version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later 
 version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or 
 later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 
 2005/12/01 or later.
 This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
 The Current Maintainer of this work is Oliver Heins.
 7. Files

 This work consists of the following files:

 * README                   % this file, including licence
 * standard-luh-ipw.bbx
 * authoryear-luh-ipw.bbx
 * authoryear-luh-ipw.cbx
 * verbose-inote-luh-ipw.bbx
 * verbose-inote-luh-ipw.cbx
 * english-luh-ipw.lbx           % English language mapping file 
 * german-luh-ipw.lbx            % German language mapping file  
 * biblatex-luh-ipw-preamble.tex % Preamble for the documentation
 * biblatex-luh-ipw-print.tex    % Settings for printable version
 * biblatex-luh-ipw-screen.tex   % Settings for screen version   
 * de-biblatex-luh-ipw.pdf       % German documentation  
 * de-biblatex-luh-ipw.tex       % German documentation