%% hgbreport.cls
%% LaTeX template for creating lab and term reports as well as other forms of academic documentation
%% This file is part of the Hagenberg Thesis package for creating bachelors's and masters's theses
%% Author: Wolfgang Hochleitner (wolfgang.hochleitner@fh-hagenberg.at)
%% GitHub: https://github.com/Digital-Media/HagenbergThesis
%% File encoding: ASCII

%% Package Information --------------------------------------------------------


\typeout{****************** hgbreport.cls (options=\@nameuse{opt@hgbreport.cls}) ***********************}


\RequirePackage{ifpdf}	% for checking PDF mode 
\ifpdf{}% \typeout{hgbreport: *** LaTeX in PDF mode ***}
\else{\errmessage{hgbreport: *** LaTeX NOT running in PDF mode ***}}

%% Handling class options --------------------------------------------------------------

% pass all other options to hgb.sty

%% Paper options and style file -----------------------------------------------

\RequirePackage[top=36mm,bottom=40mm,left=32mm,right=32mm]{geometry} %showframe

\RequirePackage{hgb}	% load style file hgb.sty with options registered above

%% Set title font to SF

%% Set abstract name to bold

% Add PDF meta data

		pdfcreator={LaTeX using class hgbreport [\hgbDate]},

%% Additional Hagenberg packages ----------------------------------------------

